ACS 재학생을 위한 멘토링 & 컨설팅 서비스
목표 및 대상
목표: ACS 국제학교 재학생의 우수한 내신 관리, IBDP 고득점, 싱가포르/영국 명문대 입학
대상: ACS 국제학교 재학생
멘토링(학생) 및 컨설팅(부모님) 서비스 세부 내역
비대면 1: 1 개별 맞춤형 멘토링 및 컨설팅
연간 5회: 학년 별 중요한 결정을 해야하는 시기, Term 리포트가 나오는 시기에 맞춰 상담 진행
학생의 관심(대학, 전공, 리더쉽 등)에 따라 교내 및 교외에서 정확히 어떤 활동을 어떻게 해야 하는 지에 대하여 ACS 국제학교 전교회장(2023-2024)이자 IBDP 45점 만점을 받은 선배로서의 현실적인 조언(리더쉽 포지션, 대회, 수상, 학년에 따른 적절한 과목선택 방법 등 포함)
성적관리(Subject Attainment, Attitude to Learning 및 Completion of Work)가 어떻게 계산이 되는지 그리고 어떤 과제들이 중요하며 수업 시간의 태도가 어떠해야 좋은 점수를 받을 수 있는지에 대한 지도
대학 진학 시 필요한 자기소개서 및 포트폴리오 구성
총 6년 학교생활을 토대로 학생 관심사(이과/문과)에 따라 학교 생활과 여러가지 기회들을 추천하고 도움이 필요한 부분 조언
튜션(개인과외): 멘토링을 하는 학생이 튜션을 원할 경우 영어(HL),비즈니스(HL), 생물(SL), 화학(SL), 수학(SL) 가능
멘토 소개
ACS 국제학교 Year 1(한국의 중1) 학년으로 입학, 2024년 11월 Year 6 이수 및 ACS 국제학교 졸업
2024년 11월 IBDP 시험에서 45점 만점에 45점 획득(누나는 2022년 ACS 국제학교를 졸업하고 IBDP 45점 만점 획득)
미국 시카고 경제학과(경제학과 중 전미 1위, US News & World Report) 입학(2025년 9월)
David가 멘토링 서비스를 시작하는 이유: Having spent 6 years at ACS, David has cultivated a great love and appreciation for the school. He believes that the school’s many great opportunities - both curricularly and extracurricularly - has allowed him to grow as a student in both academics and leadership. He strongly wants and believes that other students can and should be able to grow as much as he did through the school. It is for this reason that David thought of this collaboration with ACS. He felt that he and his family could help Korean international students who may be feeling lost or unaware of such opportunities recognize their potential and reach greater heights. Away from home, especially with English as a second language, can be difficult to navigate - and one thing David felt during his time at ACS was that many Korean international students were simply oblivious to the opportunities he may have had. He believes he and his family may be able to help provide theguidance necessary to allow these students to maximize their time at ACS, just as he and his sister, Yerin, did.
Ms. Jenny
ACS 국제학교를 45점 만점에 45점을 각각 받고 졸업한 두 자녀의 어머님
자녀 Yerin: IBDP 45점 만점을 받아 세계 10위 영국 명문 Kings College London 의대 입학, 재학 중(의대 멘토링 가능)
자녀 David: IBDP 45점 만점을 받아 미국 시카고 경제학과(전미 1위) 입학 예정
미국 명문 보딩 스쿨에서 조기유학 및 미국 대학 유학
미국 투자 은행에서 2년 근무
영어 TESOL 자격증 보유
20년 이상 한국 학생 대상 영어 티칭
Jenny Ahn is an accomplished mother and career woman. She is a mother of 3 children - Yerin, David, and Yewon - 2 of whom spent most of their middle/high school years in Singapore at ACS. She was able to care for and guide Yerin and David through the dynamic years at ACS International and help both graduatewith 45s in IB. Yerin went on to get accepted to one of the Top 10 medical schools globally, in the UK. David is still waiting for the acceptance from the school he has applied to but has already gotten acceptance from 4 top schools in the US, UK and Singapore. Jenny herself also went to boarding school and university in the US and she worked as an investment banker in the US for 2 years. After starting her family, she went back to her passion and talent in teaching English by getting a TESOL certification. She has since been teaching English to various people with a specialization in teaching English to kindergarten students for more than 20 years. She has played a critical role for nurturing more than 1,000 Korean children to get their first exposure to English in Singapore. With such rich experience in both teaching in the front line as well as guiding her own children through the tough admission process during the high school years, Jenny now wishes to crystallize her learnings into helping other Korean parents go through this volatile high school period in a secure, measured way. Through Singaro, Jenny aims to help more Korean families at ACS better support their children’s journey by helping to explain curricula, go through the different milestones within the school year, provide interpretation of the different achievements that the students will make, and ground the parents on the realities of the college admissions process by meeting parents one-on-one on a regular basis. Through this process, parents of Korean ACS International students should be able to have a person to rely on who went through the same process that they are about to embark on.
접수 및 문의
접수 방식: 선착순, 소수 정예
접수 마감: 2025년 3월 31일, 월요일
접수 방식: 이메일(
문의: 이지연 원장(02 521 5782, kristiegogo)